Smithton Visitor Information Centre



Tarkine, Tasmania, Australia

Sustainable Travel Tips​

Sustainable Travel Tips​

Sustainable travel tips

Sustainable travel tips

Ecofriendly (or sustainable) travelling means conserving natural resources, supporting local cultures and making a positive impact on our Tarkine destinations.

We believe that it is a special privilege to visit this delicate and immensely important environment, so we observe minimal impact track practices. We ask that you tread lightly, leaving nothing behind. This minimal impact use of the wilderness means that the values of this fragile environment are preserved for the future, while enabling people to enjoy and understand it today.

When considered with the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area, the Tarkine forests are the second largest tract of mature coastal temperate rainforest in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is not just the forests that are distinctive. Underneath and on the edges of the callidendrous rainforest are rare magnesite karst systems, making the Tarkine a site of national significance for geoconservation.

The following includes a few sustainable travel tips that will go a long way in preserving our beautiful Tarkine and other sensitive ecosystems.

Support local

Support local

Purchase and enjoy local products by purchasing from:



Reduce, reuse and recycle

Reduce, reuse and recycle

Try to reduce your dependency on plastics, and participate in the hotel/lodge recycling programs. Acquaint yourself with the local recycling program and sort your refuse accordingly.

Hit that switch

Hit that switch

Easy ways to save energy at your lodgings are:

Tread lightly

Tread lightly

Easy ways to save energy at your lodgings are:
